Smarter, Faster, Better. Welcome to Squid 2.0

How do you feel about change? As it is inevitable, we tend to view change as singular. But it comes in waves and is always in motion.

The first wave is change disguised as something familiar…
It’s changing the pfp you’ve had for 10 years.
It’s buying your favorite shirt in a different color, just because you can.
It’s missing your subway stop and still ending up in Brooklyn.

The second wave is a certain change, as an end and as a beginning…
It’s meeting someone new, and for the first time not thinking about your ex.
It’s traveling across the world to Asia, knowing you won’t be alone at the side events.
It’s beating the final level of your favorite game.

The third wave is change, in and of itself…
It’s quitting your job, and landing your dream role.
It’s buying crypto, and selling at the top.
It’s letting go, and getting something better.

Change is almost always scary, as is letting go. But the best part of both is when you reach the other side. Don’t jump or dive, just ride the wave. And when you arrive, you won’t just know how change feels. Change, will know you.

At least, this is how we felt building something new. And this is how we feel, introducing it to you. Because it’s not just new. It’s smarter, faster, better too.

Welcome to Squid 2.0

Squid 2.0 is letting go of the past and embracing whatever comes next, head on. Be it bear or bull, win or lose. Squid 2.0 isn’t just the future, it’s every moment that happens in between. We can’t promise you that bad things won’t happen. In fact, we can promise you that they will. Just as change, loss is inevitable. But so is winning. And with everything in the world falling apart, and the ground beneath our feet crumbling, what more can we offer you than one place to win and to lose, all amongst friends.

We’ve upped our game, but we’ve always had what it takes. Squid V1 set the stage for infinite potential, and wide world adoption. Only the world hasn’t adopted crypto, not yet. And while there are voices that loudly proclaim themselves the best in crypto, we hold ourselves accountable for something more. We build to make things better for those we know, and we strive to make crypto more approachable for those we don’t. Because the goal is not to simply be the best, it’s to give you the best.

“We are friends with (almost) everyone. Squid must be a credibly neutral platform in order to absorb all innovation. Wherever crypto goes, Squid should go too.” - Fig

We bring to the world a novel architecture, built for dynamic chain abstraction. Squid 2.0 is renewed inside and out. From the depths of the backend to the shores of the frontend. It’s the Squid you know and love, rebuilt from the ground up. Squid 2.0 is disguised as something familiar, as an end and as beginning, with everything absolute and necessary, in and of itself.

Goodbye Squid V1, hello 2.0

Out with the old, in with the new. Squid 2.0 means more routes, better rates, same-chain swaps, 10x faster quotes, and an entirely new interface.

We’ve got a full frontend guide coming your way, but for now we encourage you to explore and discover and check out these key frontend features:

  • See your swap amount in USD - toggle between crypto and USD when entering your swap amount.

  • Favorite tokens - pin your top tokens to access them instantly.

  • Popular tokens - view the most popular tokens being swapped across chains.

  • Your token view - see the tokens you have on different chains in one glance.

  • ENS Support - send crypto to any ENS name on any chain.

  • Track your swaps - swap and see every route your tokens take until they reach your wallet.

  • Made for mobile - Squid 2.0 offers the ultimate mobile experience for swapping on the go.

And while we’ll also share a comprehensive breakdown of the 2.0 backend upgrade, here are the core enhancements that will rock your world.


  • More intelligent routing - Squid 2.0’s graph-based routing identifies optimal routes for all of your cross-chain swaps.

  • More functionality via hooks - pre-hooks and post-hooks allow for bundled transaction sequences such as unstaking from one chain, bridging, swapping, and then buying an NFT. All under the hood.

  • Same-chain swaps - 2.0 also enables Squid to act as a DEX aggregator, allowing you to swap tokens on one single chain if you’d like.


  • 10x faster quotes - you’ll receive custom quotes in just .5 seconds when swapping on Squid 2.0, which is 10x faster than Squid V1.

  • 500ms response time - Squid 2.0’s API response time is down from 5s to just 500ms so that you can tap into the Squid ecosystem instantly from anywhere.

  • 1:1 stablecoin and RWA transfers - 2.0 has increased support for a number of highly efficient 1:1 cross-chain stablecoin and RWA transfers, making them more efficient and accessible.


  • More liquidity - 2.0 allows for routing through any bridged asset or liquidity pool integrated by squid, meaning more liquidity across all connected chains.

  • Less slippage - 2.0 strategically routes swaps through the most highly liquid pools to decrease any potential slippage.

  • Better prices - swaps are now routed through more trading pairs and compared through 100+ on and off chain liquidity sources, to find the most efficient path and the best prices.

2.0 is both now and next

You see, the thing about change is that it doesn’t really announce itself. It simply arrives. You can fight it, blame it, and even run from it. Whatever you choose, we’ll be here to offer you safe haven. Because here at Squid, we don’t just welcome change, we celebrate it. We exist within it, ever-morphing to fit any one shape. Every ending is a beginning, but new does not mean stop, and stop we will not. Welcome to 2.0. Where anything is possible, and everything is constant.

As for what happens next? Well, that’s still unwritten. But 2 follows 1 and in terms of numbers, we’re just at the beginning.

Commemorative sNFT

We’ve deployed a commemorative NFT to celebrate the launch of Squid 2.0. Minting is now live and lasts until September 26th at 11:59pm EST. You can subscribe to mint The Arrival of Squid 2.0 below!


Please Note

This blog is provided for educational and informational purposes only. This is not investment advice or a recommendation or solicitation for on-chain participation in any mentioned chains, tokens, or assets. Please do your own research before swapping any on-chain assets.

About Squid

Squid creates unlimited access for anything in crypto. Squid can be used to seamlessly swap across 70+ EVM and Cosmos chains all from one place, and Squid NFT Checkout can be used to buy any NFT using any token. Squid’s API, SDK, and Widgets offer ease of integration for projects building on any chain to enable cross-chain functionality in just 1 click.

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